Zonas húmedas

Novel, Autobiographical novel by Charlotte Roche


With more than one million copies sold in Germany and rights snapped up in twenty-seven countries, Wetlands is the sexually and anatomically explicit novel that is changing the conversation about female identity and sexuality around the world.
Helen Memel is an outspoken eighteen-year-old, whose childlike stubbornness is offset by a precocious sexual confidence. She begins her story from a hospital bed, where she’s slowly recovering from an operation and lamenting her parents’ divorce. To distract herself, Helen ruminates on her past sexual adventures in increasingly uncomfortable detail, taking the reader on a sensational journey through Helen’s body and mind. Punky alienated teenager, young woman reclaiming her body from the tyranny of repressive hygiene (women mustn’t smell, excrete, desire), bratty smartass, vulnerable, lonely daughter, shock merchant, and pleasure seeker—Helen is all of these things and more, and her frequent attempts to assert her maturity ultimately prove just how fragile, confused, and young she truly is.
As Helen constantly blurs the line between celebration, provocation, and dysfunction in her relationship with her body, Roche exposes the double bind of female sexuality, delivering a compulsively readable and fearlessly intimate manifesto on sex, hygiene, and the repercussions of family trauma.

First Published


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also ich find das buch echt gut, na kla mein vorredner hat nicht unrecht mit dem pervers, aber so ist die gute frau nun mal ;)

0 Responses posted in August


Das Buch war ein Geschenk. Bin über die ersten 30 Seiten nicht hinaus gekommen, einfach gruselig. Schmuddelig, pervers und dazu noch sprachklich eine Katastrophe

0 Responses posted in May
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