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Displaying 1-20 of 29 results.
Haruki Murakami
The Afterdark Princess (Afterdark)
Annie Dalton
Afterdark: Dream Snatcher No. 2
Annie Dalton
Jane Eyre with an afterward by Arthur Zeiger (A Signet Classic)
Charlotte Brontë
Sense and sensibility: with an afterward by Caroline G. Mercer
Jane Austen
Crime and Punishment : Translated with an Afterward By Sidney Monas
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski
Persuasion : with an afterward by Marvin Mudrick
Jane Austen
Northanger Abbey : revised and updated bibliography, with an afterward by Elizabeth Hardwick
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park: with an afterward by Marvin Mudrick
Jane Austen
The Mayor of Casterbridge (Afterward By Walter Allen)
Thomas Hardy
Wilde: Original Screenplayand Afterward by Julian Mitchell
Julian Mitchell
And afterward, the dark : seven tales
Basil Copper
The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne with an Afterward By Edward C Sampson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient (with a new afterward)
Edward Said
The Test-Tube Creature, Afterward
Joan Bernott
Eternity And Afterward
Lucius Shepard
The Country Of Afterward
Theodore Sturgeon
Afterwar: Veterans from a World in Conflict
Lori Grinker
Stroke a Martian : and 99 other things to do before you die : plus 5 to do afterward
The Editors of New Scientist Magazine
Tree Planting and Aftercare
Elizabeth Agate
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