What Albert wants is to replace the precious gold medallion on a delicate gold chain that his mother lost years ago. Where will he find the money? Thanks to his talking dog, Lucille (whom only he can hear), he gets an idea -- to play his flute on the street. A policeman quickly intervenes, but he does give Albert some money, enabling him to buy a tawdry version of the chain with the medallion. Then disaster strikes: Albert loses the gift. But he doesn't give up, and the real adventure begins when Albert and Lucille set forth in the middle of the night before Christmas, looking for the present Albert wants so much for his mother...and encounter angels. Beautifully written, Leslie Norris's story delivers just the right Christmas message -- that persistence exercised on someone else's behalf will be rewarded -- and charms with the notion that there are angels among us. Mordicai Gerstein uses strong line and rich color to bring the story vividly to life.
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