
Nonfiction von Heather Lauer


Bacon: A Love Story, A Salty Survey of Everybody's Favorite Meat is a 2009 non-fiction book about bacon by American writer Heather Lauer. Lauer started the blog Bacon Unwrapped and a social networking site about bacon in 2005, after the idea came up when she was out drinking with her two brothers; her online success inspired her to write the book, which describes curing and cooking bacon, gives over 20 bacon recipes, and analyzes the impact of bacon on popular culture. The text is interspersed with facts about bacon and bacon-related quips from comedian Jim Gaffigan.
The book had a generally positive reception; The Sacramento Bee called it "entertaining and informational". The Toronto Star and The Sacramento Bee recommended it as a Father's Day gift. The Portsmouth Herald and The Arizona Republic highlighted the book on lists of summer reading recommendations. Publishers Weekly wrote that bacon lovers would enjoy the book, but other readers may not so much.



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