Beyond the Twelve Steps: Roadmap to a New Life

von Lynn Grabhorn


BEYOND THE TWELVE STEPS:ROADMAP TO A NEW LIFE presents powerful new concepts virtually uncharted in other recovery literature, concepts that give decidely new meaning to the spiritual principles of today's twelve step recovery programs (Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, etc.).

BEYOND THE TWELVE STEPS is a journey of the soul that speaks to that spiritual longing felt by so many in today's society...a longing that says simply, "Okay, this has been fun and all that, buy my god, there MUST be something more!"

In her warm and humorous style, author Lynn Grabhorn reveals What and Who we are, why we're here, and where we're going. And with no apology, she guides us on a walk into our long-forgotten, divinely powerful Selves.

BEYOND THE TWELVE STEPS is a deeply inspiring guide not only for those in recovery, but for anyone searching to find spiritual meaning in today's challenging times.

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