Bloodstained Oz
Bloodstained Oz is a Wizard of Oz related novella by Christopher Golden and James A. Moore, and it was illustrated by Glenn Chadbourne. It was published as a limited edition hardcover by Earthling Publications in 2006. It comes with an introduction by Ray Garton.It was nominated for the Horror Writers Association's Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction in 2006.
The story falls outside of L. Frank Baum's original storyline for his Wonderful Wizard of Oz series and its official sequels. Being outside of the canonical restrictions, Bloodstained Oz makes the Land of Oz a nightmare for adults instead of a children's story.
Both first editions of Bloodstained Oz were sold out very soon after publication, and there are no current plans to reprint it by Earthling Publications or any other publisher. Being an Oz related book and a horror novel have made it a collector's item. Copies have been sold on eBay for $300.00 or more.
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