Building Extreme PCs: The Complete Guide to Computer Modding

von Ben Hardwidge


The bland beige box is dead. Fueled by a passion for performance and an eye for style, a new breed of PC user is taking matters into its own hands. Combining cutting-edge components with the latest trends in system design, they're turning the standard personal computer into a high-speed work of art.

Building Extreme PCs is the ultimate guide to the world of PC modification and customization. Both a showcase and a DIY handbook, it goes in-depth into system building, overclocking, cooling, and modification, reveals the secrets of optimization and benchmarking, then moves on to cover some of the most exciting and inspirational custombuilt systems around. From silent systems to multi-processor monsters, from gaming powerhouses to neon-lit speed machines, this book has it all, complete with guidance from the people who made them.

Ben Hardwidge is the news and features editor of the leading U.K. enthusiast magazine Custom PC, and has spent five years working for computer magazines.

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