Children's Homer, The: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy

von Padraic Colum


How Telehagbus theS on ofO dysseus Was Moved toG oon AV oyage inS easch ov His Father and How He Heabd vsoM Menelaus and Helen the Tale ov Troy .PART nH ow Odysseus Left Calypso sI sland and Came to theL and OF THE PHAEA aANS; How He Told He Fased with the Cicl6fes and Went Past the Tessible Scylla and ChaB iBD is AND Came to the Island ofT hsinaoa Where His Men Slaughtered the Cattle of theS xtn ;H ow He Was Given aS hip by the Phaeagians and Came to His Own Land ;H ow Bs Overthrew theW ooers Who Wasted His Substance and Came toR eign A gain asK ing of I thaka .
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

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