Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the US Military
Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the US Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf War is a 1993 book by Randy Shilts, published shortly before Shilts' 1994 death.The book traces the participation of gay and lesbian personnel from the Revolutionary War to the late 20th century.
In 1994, Clinton Fein's ApolloMedia, with the blessing of Shilts, purchased the electronic rights from St. Martin's Press, and in January 1995 released Conduct Unbecoming, the first ever CD-ROM to tackle social issues by providing technological tools. Conduct Unbecoming pioneered digital activism through its 'e-post' feature - the first ever technology allowing the user to communicate with their elected representatives electronically.
The controversial subject matter dealing with gays in the United States military provoked the United States Navy to threaten a First Amendment lawsuit—the first time a court would be required to determine whether First Amendment protections afforded to traditional media applied to electronic publishing as well.
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