Das Spiel der Macht
Galíndez is a novel by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, published in 1991 that centres on a real, dramatic and dark episode of the history of the Dominican Republic: the kidnapping, torturing and murdering of Jesús de Galíndez in 1956, representative of the Basque government in exile before the U.S. State Department and the involvement and cover-up by the CIA.The story - being a retelling of the events by a North American Mormon student -
covers very different times and places: from the Basque Country to Manhattan, passing by the Caribbean Islands, and from the '50s until now;
gives place to characters of all different kinds.
reveals many keys to contemporary reality.
The novel was made into a film, called El Misterio Galíndez. The film stars Saffron Burrows and Harvey Keitel.
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