Stories of suspense, surprise, wit, and weirdness from Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy-as well as a must-read horror author-Fritz Leiber. Assembled from magazine submissions, fanzines, and even "lost" manuscripts discovered among the author's personal papers, Day Dark, Night Bright includes the following short stories: "Time Fighter," "Femmequin 973," "Night Passage," "Moon Duel," "Later Than You Think," "Mirror," "The 64-Square MadHouse," "All the Weed in the World," "The Mutant's Brother," "The Man Who Was Married to Space and Time," "Thought" "Crystal Prison," "Bullet Was His Name," "Success," "To Make a Roman Holiday," "Bread Overhead," "The Reward," "Taboo," "Business of Killing," and "Day Dark, Night Bright."
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