Der 200- Jahre Mann. Der Roman zum Film.

Science-Fiction von Isaac Asimov


The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories is a science fiction anthology written and edited by Isaac Asimov. Following the usual form for Asimov collections, it consists of eleven short stories and a poem surrounded by commentary describing how each came to be written. The stories are as follows:
"The Prime of Life" - poem
"Feminine Intuition"
"That Thou art Mindful of Him"
"Stranger in Paradise"
"The Life and Times of Multivac"
"The Winnowing"
"The Bicentennial Man"
"Marching In"
"The Tercentenary Incident"
"Birth of a Notion"
Two of the stories, "Feminine Intuition" and "The Bicentennial Man", were inspired by Judy-Lynn del Rey. The latter was expanded into a novel, The Positronic Man, which formed the basis of the 1999 Touchstone Pictures and Columbia Pictures film Bicentennial Man.



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