Der Schmetterlingsthron 1. Roman des Jorian- Zyklus

Fantasy von Lyon Sprague de Camp


The Goblin Tower is a fantasy novel by American writer L. Sprague de Camp, the first book of both his Novarian series and the "Reluctant King" trilogy featuring King Jorian of Xylar. It is not to be confused with the collection of poetry by the same title by Frank Belknap Long. de Camp's novel was first published as a paperback by Pyramid Books in 1968 and later reprinted by Del Rey Books. The first hardbound edition was issued by HarperCollins in 1987. An E-book edition was published by Gollancz's SF Gateway imprint on September 29, 2011 as part of a general release of de Camp's works in electronic form. The novel has been translated into French, Italian and German.

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