Differenz und Wiederholung: Aus dem Französischen von Vogl, Joseph

von Gilles Deleuze


Difference and Repetition is a 1968 book by philosopher Gilles Deleuze, originally published in France. It was translated into English by Paul Patton in 1994.
Difference and Repetition was Deleuze's principal thesis for the Doctorat D'Etat alongside his secondary, historical thesis, Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza.
The work assays a critique of representation. In the book, Deleuze develops concepts of difference in itself and repetition for itself, that is, concepts of difference and repetition that are logically and metaphysically prior to any concept of identity. Some commentators suggest that the book is Deleuze's attempt at a rewriting of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason from the point of view of genesis.



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