Essence of Tantric Sexuality
Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson have written a modern and comprehensive book that celebrates the sacredness of the body (and desire) within the Hindu Tantric tradition, one which aims to dispel remnants of our Puritan past that define many natural activities of our daily life, including sexual activity and desire, in negative terms.
Based upon the teachings of Dr. Jonn Mumford, their book is much more than an erotic sex manual―though, it is that, too! The authors explain the Tantric philosophy and its principles, demystify it for beginners, and offer authentic exercises and techniques that will help turn your every moment of pleasure into an opportunity to experience the divine.
"Michaels and Johnson unlock the secrets to transcendent Tantric sexuality for beginners and beyond."―Library Journal
". . . one of the most important spiritual and Tantric books of the decade!"―Donald Michael Kraig, author of Modern Magick
Winner of the 2007 USA Book News Best Books Award
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