Headhunters is the second novel by John King and, along with The Football Factory and England Away, comprises a trilogy of books that challenge the official position on subjects such as class, racism, sexism and patriotism in England. It was published in 1998.The main characters in Headhunters are Carter, Mango, Will, Balti and Harry, who one drunken New Year’s Eve decide to create a Sex Division based on the Total Football employed by the great Holland national football team led by Johan Cruyff. The Premiership might be driven by a lust for money, but the Sex Division is a league for purists. Points are awarded for different sexual acts and the season begins.
Carter sets the early pace. The approach of the individuals involved in the Sex Division is what drives the book, as their deeper feelings and inner lives are revealed. Certain characters re-appear in England Away.
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