Hollywood Undercover

Nonfiction von Ian Halperin


Hollywood Undercover: Revealing the Sordid Secrets of Tinseltown is a non-fiction book about the culture of Hollywood society, written by investigative journalist and author Ian Halperin. Halperin poses as a gay man trying to become a successful actor in Hollywood, and informs individuals he is from the non-existent "Israeli royal family". He investigates rumors that the Church of Scientology reportedly claims to have a "cure" for homosexuality through "auditing", and speaks with a former Scientologist about his experiences. He also explores the casting couch phenomenon, the pornography industry, and the Oscars. Halperin meets with famous actors and celebrities, successfully obtains a talent agent, and a role in the film The Aviator.
The book was published in 2007 in the United Kingdom by Mainstream Publishing, and on January 15, 2008 in the United States. Hollywood Undercover received generally positive reviews in The Herald, New York Daily News, The Saturday Star, and Contactmusic.com; and a critical review in The Independent. Halperin later released a documentary film on the same topic, His Highness Hollywood, which premiered in New York City in April 2008.



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