
Secular Humanistic Judaism has existed as an alternative in Jewish life for over 100 years. for most of its history, it was an informal option, with a wide variety of movements: Zionism, Yiddish nationalism and Bundism. They created Jewish schools, reading circles and cultural associations. In recent years, secular and Humanistic Jews have coalesced into an international movement with self-identified communities, national organizations, publications, publicly proclaimed statements of belief, and schools for training leaders of the movment. This anthology can be a basic reader for Secular Humanistic Jews who are seeking the inspirational and ideological roots of their commitment. Secular Jews do not need an alternative Torah. But they do need access to the writings of their teachers and heroes. It can also be a journey of Jewish exploration for Jews who are searching for an effective way to express their Jewish identity but who are not comfortable with the religious alternatives that are presently available. And it can certainly be an interesting opportunity for students of modem Judaism, even those who are religious, to understand an important development in modem Jewish life.

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