Just Imagine: A Past Life with John Lennon

von Jewelle Lewis


INSCRIBED by AUTHOR, Jewelle Lewis. STATED FIRST PRINTING. 1995 St. James trade paperback, CANADIAN import. Jewelle Lewis. John Lennon has been shot. Author, Jewelle Lewis, shared grief with millions around the world. However, three years later, her grief remained. Desperate to shake her pain, she consulted a psychic. "A past life with John Lennon?" She could accept that explanation only on one condition. That she could prove it. Spanning a decade, through psychics, geneology and a little luck, a life in 17th century Sussex, England began to emerge. Jewelle soon forgot about trying to prove her past as she began to feel it, remember it. However, her quest to prove it is how her story begins ...- Amazon

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