Ein roter Himmel, Asche, die das Land bedeckt, und unheimliche Nebel, die aus dem Boden emporsteigen – die Welt des Letzten Reiches ist düster und unheilvoll. Der unsterbliche Lord Ruler herrscht mit eiserner Hand und unterdrückt das Volk der Skaa als Sklaven. Doch damit will Kelsier sich nicht abfinden. Der junge Skaa besitzt mächtige Fähigkeiten und versammelt eine Gruppe Rebellen um sich, um einen ungeheuerlichen Plan zu verwirklichen: Mithilfe der magischen Kräfte der Allomantie will Kelsier Lord Ruler stürzen ...
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The Final Empire triumphs in the core elements of storytelling—plot, setting, and character. What sets Sanderson apart is his masterful handling of plot twists. Unlike many predictable fantasies, he ingeniously subverts expectations, placing characters in mortal peril early on, catching readers off guard and heightening the stakes. His characters are a diverse and unforgettable bunch, each with a distinct personality. Vin, in particular, undergoes a remarkable transformation from a guarded outsider to a powerful and empowered ally. The setting, a world draped in red and brown ash, coupled with the unique magic systems based on metals, showcases Sanderson's originality. The quotes preceding each chapter were a stroke of genius, leaving readers guessing until chapter 13 unveils their source. It's a magician's trick, a subtle invitation to focus on the top hat while the rabbit is pulled from the sleeve. In every aspect—plot, character, and setting—Sanderson's work stands as a testament to his storytelling prowess. If I ever met him, all I'd say is, 'Thank you!'
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Cooles Magiesystem, spannend geschrieben
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