Madeline in America and Other Holiday Tales

von Ludwig Bemelmans


Madeline in America and Other Holiday Tales is an illustrated collection of short stories by Ludwig Bemelmans, with only one of the stories featuring the popular children's character Madeline. This collection was first published in 1999 and features stories previously published in other publications, with artwork by Ludwig Bemelmans' grandson, John Bemelmans-Marciano.
In the main tale, Madeline's great-grandfather dies, he ends up leaving her a sizable inheritance. Madeline and her schoolmates, under the supervision of their teacher, Miss Clavel, go to America and have a wonderful vacation. But to Madeline's disappointment, she learns that while the inheritance her great-grandfather left her can't be claimed by anyone but her, she herself can't actually claim it until her 21st-birthday. As a result, Madeline and the others return to Paris, although Madeline promises to one day return to America.



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