Mysteries Unwrapped: Haunted U.S.A.

von Charles Wetzel


All across the U.S., there’s a strange kind of American spirit” surfacing: the ghosts, specters, and wraiths that make up the country’s phantom population. They’re the native citizens of Haunted U.S.A., and they come in every size, shape, type, and personality. Meet these spine-tingling characters, from the creatures occupying Washington D.C.’s most hallowed halls (including a demon cat that prowls Congress) to apparitions that materialize in graveyards and once-bloody battlefields. Find out about the nation’s most haunted houses; a mammoth cave that’s the site of more than 150 encounters; and Hawaii’s Lava Lady,” a goddess who bubbles up from the depths of the earth with the lava that created the islands. Fun sidebars provide extra information.

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