Orion the Star is a children's book series for kids, dogs, parrots, cats, and even adults. Orion is a superstar parrot who flies from the stars to save any creature in distress. Orion’s trusty sidekicks are two dogs named Canis Major and Canis Minor. The Pink Dolphin is a heartwarming dad and daughter sailing adventure. A beautiful girl dreams of mermaids, dolphins and heart-shaped pancakes. Awakening to the sweet aroma of her dad cooking pancakes, she feels happy and safe. After breakfast, they begin their sailing excursion. Along the way, the daughter spies a pink dolphin caught in a fishing net. The dolphin needs help, and this little girl is determined to save her. They have to endure a huge wave crashing into them as a caravan of sharks seize them without due process. As Dad fights to save himself from the sharks to save his daughter, Orion and the loyal dogs come to the rescue. This children's book, Orion the Star: The Pink Dolphin, showcases the never-ending love between a dad and his daughter.
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