Philosophie als Kulturpolitik

von Richard Rorty


Philosophy as Cultural Politics: Philosophical Papers: v.4 is a book by Richard Rorty, the late Professor of Comparative Literature, Emeritus, at Stanford University. A compilation of selected philosophical papers written by Rorty over the decade, 1997-2007, it complements three previous selections of his papers.
Rorty explores the relation between philosophy and culture.
Topics covered include:
the changing role of philosophy in Western culture over the course of recent centuries,
the role of the imagination in intellectual and moral progress,
the notion of 'moral identity',
Wittgenstein's claim that the problems of philosophy are linguistic in nature,
the irrelevance of cognitive science to philosophy
the mistaken idea that philosophers should find the 'place' of such things as consciousness and moral value in a world of physical particles.

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