
von Doug Wagner


Retired serial killer Edwyn Stoffgruppen isin love with Virginia, a girl he "met online." Her affection quietshis vile urges.
Together, they tour theback roads of America in their LTD Crown Vic, eating doughnuts and enjoyingtheir insatiable appetites for each other. Life is good...until a Louisianabillionaire kidnaps Virginia, forcing Edwyn to kill again in exchange for herfreedom.
And the twist to all of this?Virginia is a sex doll.

Writer DOUG WAGNER teams up withartists DANIEL HILLYARD and LAURA MARTIN for a chilling new crime series thatROBERT KIRKMAN (THE WALKING DEAD) reviewed as: "This is the weirdest s**tI've ever read. I love it!"

Collects issues 1-5.

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