Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (Thrawn Trilogy, Vol. 2)

Science-Fiction von Timothy Zahn


The dying Empire’s most cunning and ruthless warlord, Grand Admiral Thrawn, has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic’s destruction. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council—only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies.

Yet most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness, and scheming to corrupt Luke Skywalker to the dark side.

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While introduced in the previous book, this was the birth of one of Star Wars most iconic villain's; Grand Admiral Thrawn.

0 Antworten geschrieben im Oktober


Zahn did it again, with the second in the Thrawn trilogy! Again, what can be said for this? The original characters are captured perfectly; while reading, I read it in their voices and inflections, without ever feeling it was forced. Thrawn is well written, Pellaeon is fantastic, Karrde and Mara Jade are awesome! What more could be asked for?

0 Antworten geschrieben im Februar
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