The Black Lily

von Juliette Cross


Every day, the threat the Varis family poses to the humans they rule over grows stronger. Every minute that Arabelle spends doing chores for vain, entitled aristocrats, her resolve to overthrow the vampire monarchy increases. She is the leader of the underground resistance, The Black Lily. And she’s waited long enough.

Now is the perfect time to ignite the rebellion. The plan? Attend the vampire prince’s blood ball. And kill him.

Dagger in hand, Arabelle is caught off guard by the immediate spark she shares with Prince Marius. It doesn’t help that he’s listening to her and seems so kind and understanding.

Arabelle is sworn to kill Marius at all costs, but what if Prince Charming is more than he appears to be? But the big question? Now that he knows the truth can she do what she must to save her people?

Each book in the Vampire Blood series is STANDALONE:
* The Black Lily
* The Red Lily
* The White Lily
* The Emerald Lily

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