The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate

Nonfiction von David Freddoso


The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate, by author David Freddoso, is a bestselling book published in late 2008, providing a critical examination of the life and opinions of the then United States presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama.
Freddoso was a political reporter for the website of the conservative magazine National Review when the book came out. He is now with the Washington Examiner. The book was published by Regnery Publishing.
Freddoso said in an August 2008 interview that the book is an attempt to address what he sees as two wrong ways of considering Obama as a presidential candidate. The author wanted to counter those, including those in the news media, who look on Obama uncritically, and to do so in a way different from those who "are smearing him on the Internet for supposedly being a secret Muslim or supposedly not saluting the flag". The book harshly criticizes Obama over policy matters, according to Ben Smith, a writer at The Politico. For the most part, the book is drawn from previously published sources, although Freddoso does do some original reporting.



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