The Lens of Truth: Greed, the Media, and We (Full Version)

von Colin Culbreth


When people talk of change, what they really want is to usually change the other person, not themselves. Although many books, videos, and documentaries target various symptoms of our corrupt society and critique the many flaws in various systems, few ever address viable solutions to the largest problems we face as a civilization.

Currently, many public support systems and countless organizations exist for the sole purpose of repairing damaged systems and societal failures. Because these groups continue to base their plans for reclamation from within our society's current framework, these groups fail to solve the problem at its source. In order to fix the largest problems the human civilization faces, we have to first address and confront the human value system at present. If we were to fix our thinking, the problems would fix themselves.

The truth is, we have had the capability since 1927 to create a society where the probability of war, poverty, hunger, misery, environmental instability and all other failures drops to zero; a world where rights are more than just paper proclamations. They are automatics in a scientifically planned society. Guardians of the status quo, whether official or self-appointed, try to convince us that striving for these ideals renders one a "utopian dreamer." Perhaps in the past, they were right; however, this is no longer true.

My book invites you to be a part of something that is bigger than all of us. But change must first begin with those who desire it. It's time we all saw the world through a different lens.

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