The Man Who Would Be Queen

Populärwissenschaftliche Literatur von J. Michael Bailey


The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism is a 2003 book by J. Michael Bailey, published by Joseph Henry Press.
In the first section of the book, Bailey discusses gender-atypical behaviors and gender identity disorder in children, emphasizing the biological determination of gender. In the second section he deals primarily with gay men, including the link between childhood GID and male homosexuality later in life. Bailey reviews evidence that male homosexuality is congenital, and he argues for the accuracy of some stereotypes about gay men. In the third section, Bailey summarizes evidence for a psychological typology of trans women that says there are two forms of transsexualism that affects transgender women: one that he describes as an extreme type of male homosexuality and one that is a sexual interest in having a female body, called autogynephilia.
The book caused considerable controversy which led to a formal investigation by Northwestern University, where Bailey was Chair of the Psychology Department until shortly before the conclusion of the investigation.



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