The time of new weather

Roman, Phantastik von Sean Murphy



In this exhilarating adventure of absurdist wit, rollicking revolution and romance, the future isn’t what it used to be and the past won’t leave us alone. Bringing to mind1984 and Brave New World–but with his own twist of gleeful humor–award-winning author Sean Murphy presents a vision of an America gone off the rails: an America where it literally rains cats and dogs, where a hubcap ranch is now a National Preservation Site, where a horde of circus folk and Elvis fans are on the rampage–and where some rather suspicious things are going on with time and gravity.

Into this world is born Buddy Le Blanc, a young boy with a special gift: the ability to perform tiny miracles. Nothing big, like raising the dead or curing the sick–more like an uncanny knack for finding spare change. He longs to find a way to make a difference; but in a world where time and gravity storms can spring up at a moment’s notice (sending your belongings hurtling through the roof, or off to the Renaissance) and big business has gobbled up the U.S. government (now renamed The America Corporation), it’s hard to get your foot in the door. But when Buddy joins up with a cast of fellow seekers–renegade circus freaks, ragtag revolutionaries, a woman in search of her hat, and a particularly gorgeous journalist–in the hope of waking America up from its dream, the fate of the country may just end up in his not-so-capable hands.…

From the Trade Paperback edition.

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