The solution is finally revealed to the most notorious crime story of all. The person identified in this book as the killer of five women in London's East End in 1888 has never before been named a suspect in more than 100 years of intense speculation—and yet clear evidence connects him to three of the five victims, and circumstantial evidence connects him to the other two. Tony Williams did not set out to find Jack the Ripper, but when researching his family history he uncovered incontrovertible evidence that his illustrious ancestor John Williams—still venerated today, and an eminent man in his field—is indeed Jack the Ripper. Together, the authors prove not only that their suspect had links with the victims, but that he was in Whitechapel at the same time as the crimes were committed, and he had the knowledge and the skills which the nature of the murders required. At last, the legend and myths surrounding the identity of Jack the Ripper have been brought to an end.
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