La Torre Oscura V: La bola de cristal

Novel, Fantasy by George Guidall, Stephen King


Turnul întunecat: Pistolarul este un roman de aventuri, științifico-fantastic, de groază, fantezie scris de autorul american Stephen King. Este primul volum din seria The Dark Tower, serie considerată ca fiind lucrarea magnum opus a lui King. Romanul a fost publicat prima oară în 1982 la editura Grant. Personajul principal este Roland Deschain, ultimul pistolar care de mulți ani îl caută pe omul în negru. Romanul îl urmează pe Roland Deschain într-un deșert imens în căutarea oponentului său. Roland se întâlnește cu mai multe persoane de-a lungul călătoriei sale, inclusiv cu un băiat numit Jake Chambers cu care călătorește o bună parte din drumul său.

First Published


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An epic novel which got me started on the series. I love the satires on life and character.

0 Responses posted in July


An incredible imagination is on display here. I absolutely love the setting and the constant mystery at play here. At least in this first book, you're never really told why exactly the world is the way it is, and in general a lot of the supernatural events aren't at all explained. It's up to you to put the pieces together in your head and I really enjoy that. That being said, I do feel this book took a little while to grip me while it built up the world, which is perfectly understandable. Once it did, I simply couldn't put it down, and have quickly gotten through the first 1/3rd of the next book. I highly reccomend this to anybody who likes the idea of Western + fantasy/supernatural. An awesome mix and I have thrilled to have discovered this series.

0 Responses posted in December
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