
by Lynne Rickards


What's a penguin to do when he turns a really rosy hue? Ends up friendship's not just black and white: Being hot pink is pretty cool!

When Patrick wakes up one day to find he has inexplicably turned bright pink, he sees red: "Whoever heard of a pink penguin?" he cries. "And boys can't be pink!" After too much teasing, he's had enough. "I don't fit in here anymore," he tells his parents. "I'm going to Africa to see the flamingos." But poor Patrick doesn't fit in with them, either: He can't stand on one leg, skim the water for food, or fly off with the rest of the flock. So he returns home--and everyone is happy to see him! In fact, his friends are green with envy over his exotic trip. Ends up being hot pink is pretty cool!

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