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Displaying 1-12 of 12 results.
The New Testament in Its World
NT Wright
The New Testament in its ritual world
Richard DeMaris
Nag Hammadi and the Gospel Tradition: Synoptic Tradition in the Nag Hammadi Library (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
Christopher M. Tuckett
Constructing the World: A Study in Paul's Cosmological Language (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
Edward Adams
The Double Message: Patterns of Gender in Luke-Acts (Studies of the New Testament and Its World Series)
Turid Karlsen Seim
The Stars Will Fall from Heaven: Cosmic Catastrophe and the World's End in the New Testament and Its World
Edward Adams
Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul (Studies of the New Testament & Its World)
J. Louis Martyn
Conflicting Mythologies: Identity Formation in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
John Riches
Into the Name of the Lord Jesus: Baptism in the Early Church (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
Lars Hartman
Law in Paul's Thought (Studies of the New Testament and Its World)
Hans Hubner
The Way of the Lord: Christological Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Mark (Studies of the New Testament and Its World Series)
Joel Marcus
Thomas at the Crossroads: Essays on the Gospel of Thomas (Studies in the New Testament & Its World)
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