Brave New World

Young-adult fiction by Džons Grīns


Miles "Pudge" Halter is abandoning his safe-okay, boring-life. Fascinated by the last words of famous people, Pudge leaves for boarding school to seek what a dying Rabelais called the "Great Perhaps."
Pudge becomes encircled by friends whose lives are everything but safe and boring. Their nucleus is razor-sharp, sexy, and self-destructive Alaska, who has perfected the arts of pranking and evading school rules. Pudge falls impossibly in love. When tragedy strikes the close-knit group, it is only in coming face-to-face with death that Pudge discovers the value of living and loving unconditionally.
John Green's stunning debut marks the arrival of a stand-out new voice in young adult fiction.

First Published


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John Green is an exceptional author. This book hits the mark in every way. Miles is one of the best main characters I have read about in a long time. I love the whole concept of finding the "Great Perhaps." Alaska is far from the girl next door, yet you can't help but fall in love with her, much in the same way Miles does. It is thought-provoking, unexpected, truly a masterpiece.

0 Responses posted in November


really good but repetitive

0 Responses posted in January


Loved the first half, second half lost its spunk.

1 Response posted in November
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