L'Origine des Especes (Monde)

Treatise by Charles Darwin


Lajien synty luonnollisen valinnan kautta eli luonnon suosimien rotujen säilyminen taistelussa olemassaolosta on Charles Darwinin kirjoittama luonnonvalintaa käsittelevä tietokirja. Siitä tuli evoluutioteorian eli kehitysopin perusteos. Kirja julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran 24. marraskuuta 1859.

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Darwin's Origin of Species is a classic book that should be read by any evolutionary biologist, if only for history's sake. He is incredibly observant, and notes many things that evolutionary biologists are still wrestling with. That said, Darwin was an infamously bad writer. This isn't a book many folks would casually read for pleasure. It is a piece of scientific literature, and although it is also a natural history tome, it is best suited for those with academic interests over those with just a casual interest in biological evolution and it's early heroes.

0 Responses posted in December
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