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Dragon's Egg is a hard science fiction novel written by Robert L. Forward and published in 1980. In the story, Dragon's Egg is a neutron star with a surface gravity 67 billion times that of Earth, and inhabited by cheela, intelligent creatures the size of a sesame seed who live, think and develop a million times faster than humans. Most of the novel, from May to June 2050, chronicles the cheela civilization beginning with its discovery of agriculture to advanced technology and its first face-to-face contact with humans, who are observing the hyper-rapid evolution of the cheela civilization from orbit around Dragon's Egg.The novel is regarded as a landmark in hard science fiction. As is typical of the genre, Dragon's Egg attempts to communicate unfamiliar ideas and imaginative scenes while giving adequate attention to the known scientific principles involved.
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Man merkt, dass der Autor Physiker war, denn obwohl das Szenario am Anfang etwas seltsam klingt, setzt er alles so stimmig in unsere Welt, dass man das Gefühl bekommt als würden auf einem Fernen Stern wirklich die "kleinen" Cheela leben. Sehr fesselnd geschrieben. Die Geburt und der Aufstieg einer Zivilisation in nur einem Lidschlag.
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