Skaveninsurma : Gotrek ja Felix

Speculative fiction by William King


Skavenslayer by William King is the second volume in the Gotrek and Felix series in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. It was first published in 1999 and a second edition was released in 2003. It was also included in Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus, released in 2006.
It is notable for introducing the character of Grey Seer Thanquol, who becomes a recurring antagonist in subsequent volumes of the series, and also inspired a series of his own, written by Clint Werner.
In his introduction to the 2013 edition of Trollslayer, William King revealed that he wrote Skaven's Claw as one of three novella-length stories, after being commissioned to write a full-length novel featuring Gotrek and Felix. The other two, The Mark of Slaanesh and Blood and Darkness were eventually published as part of Trollslayer, while Skaven's Claw became the first chapter of Skavenslayer.

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