Darwin Challenged God's Word With Evolution...But Was He The Only One? Discover the old, ongoing war against biblical truth Dissect the origins of and arguments for atheistic thought Determine what you can do to defend your faith The denial of God is the root of every human problem, taking many forms over time — one of which is evolution. And this concept goes much farther back in time than we think. In The Long War Against God, the late Dr. Henry Morris, a renowned creationist, delves into the history of modern atheistic worldviews. Drawing from the writings of the Greeks, Babylonians, and other ancient philosophers, Morris demonstrates the long history and age of the plan to undermine God’s Word. Whether it’s evolutionism, humanism, pantheism, or atheism, Morris illuminates the past and present of these belief systems that seek to eliminate God. The Long War Against God will give you the tools you need to strengthen your own — and others’ — faith in the battle for God’s truth.
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