L' illusione di Dio: le ragioni per non credere

non-fiction by Richard Dawkins


Boží blud je bestseller z roku 2006, napsán britským biologem Richardem Dawkinsem. Kniha byla přeložena do češtiny roku 2009.
V knize Dawkins tvrdí, že žádný nadpřirozený tvůrce téměř jistě neexistuje a víra v osobního Boha je pouze iluze. Kniha z různých pohledů rozebírá podstatu ateismu a víry a snaží se čtenáře přesvědčit o nesmyslnosti náboženství.
Kniha se stala velmi populární, v lednu 2010 bylo vytištěno již přes 2 miliony kopií jen v anglickém jazyce.
Jednou z nejvýznamnějších polemik s touto knihou je spis The Dawkins Delusion? oxfordského profesora Alistera McGratha.

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The only chapter I read was when he tried to disprove Thomas Aquinas' Five Proofs for God, and at first I thought there were some good points, but there were still issues that I found unconvincing, such as ruling out the perfect moral source based on variations of right and wrong should also mean there is a perfect smell because of variations of smell, since we tolerate bad smells, like a man passing gas on a plane or some sort of chemical leak, but we don't tolerate shoplifting or rape. Later I read a critique of this chapter by a man who specialized in the Summa Theologica, and it seems that Dawkins didn't do his homework. It would be as if I looked at an argument from On the Origin of Species, wrote a critique of it and said "therefore this disproves evolution." Oh, I have a hunch that I'd face a great deal of criticism from everyone in the biology field if I did that. So why is it that Dawkins can do the same in regards to philosophy and theology? As my brother described him: Good biologist, dick of a human being.

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