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Novel, Historical novel by Hermann Röhl, Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj


Vojna in mir je roman, ki ga je napisal ruski pisatelj Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Govori o ruski družbi v času Napoleona. Pojmujemo ga za enega največjih romanov vseh časov.
Roman je prvič izšel med letoma 1865 in 1869 v reviji Ruskij vestnik. Najprej je izšel odlomek z naslovom Leto 1805, leta 1868 so izšli trije deli, kmalu pa sta jim sledila še preostala dva.

First Published


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Going in, i felt it would be a slog, like most of the famous pre-20th century books that are now read more for an understanding of how modern literature got to where it is, ala Frankenstein as one example. War and Peace is not like that. Like effectively all of Tolstoy's works, it feels incredibly modern and well paced, with believable and likeable characters. very good yes yes

0 Responses posted in January
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