In de ban van de ring
Bratovščina prstana je skupina devetih oseb iz fantazijskega romana Gospodar prstanov angleškega pisatelja Johna R.R. Tolkiena. Njena naloga je uničiti Prstan Mogote, ki ga išče Sauron s pomočjo Nazgûlov.ustanovijo v Razendelu. Za prstanonosca določijo hobita Froda Bisagina, za njegove spremljevalce pa hobite Samoglava Gamgija, Merjadoka Brendivinskega in Peregrina Tuka. Bratovščino sestavljata tudi dva človeka, Aragorn in Boromir, vilin Legolas, škrat Gimli in vešč Gandalf.
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Essential reading.
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I tried to enjoy this. I really did. And though there were moments of suspense and wonder intermixed throughout, the vast majority of the book felt like a slog through painfully awkward descriptions. The lore is all there, yet I just can't bring myself to care enough to study it.
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Love this book used to read it yearly, cannot recommend enough for a good fantasy novel in a set universe.
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