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Displaying 1-13 of 13 results.
Philosophy: A New Introduction
Douglass Mann
Introduction to Systems Philosophy - Toward a New Paradigm of Contemporary Thought
Ervin Laszlo
Kant A New Introduction TO The Philosophy Of One Of The Greatest Thinkers Of The Modern Word
Stephan Körner
Hegel's idea of philosophy with a new translation of Hegel's Introduction to the history of philosophy
Quentin Lauer
God and Philosophy, With a New Introduction by the Author
Antony Flew
Reconstruction in Philosophy (Enlarged edition with a new introduction by the author)
John Dewey
Political Liberalism with a new introduction and the "Reply to Habermas" (The John Dewey Essays in Philosophy, Number Four)
John Rawls
THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. With Prefaces by Charles Hegel and the Translator, J. Sibree, and a New Introduction by Profe
Georg W. Hegel
The Philosophy of Aristotle - A New Selection with an Introduction and Commentary by Renford Bambrough. New translation by J.L. Creed and A.E. Wardman. Mentor Book. 1963.
The Philosophy of David Hume: With a New Introduction by Don Garrett
Norman Kemp Smith
A New Design Philosophy: An Introduction to Defuturing
Tony (editor) Fry
The Philosophy of Aristotle a New Selection With an Introduction and Commentary
J. L. Creed And A. E. Wardman. Renford Bambrough Translation By
Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, Comprising his Practical Philosophy Translated from the Greek, Illustrated by Introductions and Notes, the Critical History of his Life and a New Analysis of his Speculative Works, by John Gillies, in Two Volumes, Vol I
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