The Illustrated Man

Science Fiction, Novel by Raimundus Bradbury


The Illustrated Man is a 1951 book of eighteen science fiction short stories by Ray Bradbury that explores the nature of mankind. A recurring theme throughout the eighteen stories is the conflict of the cold mechanics of technology and the psychology of people. It was nominated for the International Fantasy Award in 1952.
The unrelated stories are tied together by the frame device of "the Illustrated Man", a vagrant former member of a carnival freak show with an extensively tattooed body whom the unnamed narrator meets. The man's tattoos, allegedly created by a time-traveling woman, are animated and each tell a different tale. All but one of the stories had been published previously elsewhere, although Bradbury revised some of the texts for the book's publication.
The book was made into the 1969 film starring Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom, adapted from the stories "The Veldt", "The Long Rain", and "The Last Night of the World".
A number of the stories, including "The Veldt", "The Fox and the Forest", "Marionettes, Inc.", and "Zero Hour" were dramatized for the 1955-57 radio series X Minus One.

First Published


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Me gustó mucho, definitivamente para leer después de Crónicas Marcianas.

0 Responses posted in May


Me encantó. Algunos relatos son toda una experiencia como el titulado Calidoscopio.

0 Responses posted in December
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