Maa õnnistus

Ficción por Knut Hamsun


Ésta es la historia de un hombre de buena voluntad que entra en posesión de un trozo de tierra sin cultivar e inicia una dura lucha contra la hostilidad del suelo y la naturaleza. Sin embargo, el autor no se centra empecinadamente en este motivo, susceptible de convertirse en retórica facilona, sino que lo que le importa es contar, poéticamente, una historia común y conmovedora. El protagonista se casa con una mujer sencilla y valiente como él. La fortuna parece protegerlos y, a pesar de los obstáculos y las dificultades, todo va bien.

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ReadGeek really blew it predicting I would give this book a 10. The book, like its main character is pedestrian. It portrays the lives of a man and woman homesteading in the northern wastes of Norway in the late nineteenth century. The couple are uncommunicative and tend to speak in short sentences. The plot focuses on actions and, secondarily, the few words spoken. Nothing is revealed about the interior lives of these characters, and they are portrayed as intelligent animals who mainly live and act and rarely take time to reflect deeply on anything. The author seems to have been a fanatical Nazi sympathizer, even well after world war II, which is surely odd. I cannot understand what anyone sees in this book, beyond its historical interest as a presumably well-researched history of the settlement of the Norwegian wilderness in the 19th century.

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