
Ficción especulativa por Gene Wolfe


Peace is an early novel by Gene Wolfe that on its surface is the story of a man growing up in a small Midwestern town in the early to mid-20th century. The narrator, Alden Dennis Weer, goes over memories from different parts of his life—his childhood, early adulthood, middle age, old age. Unlike many of Wolfe's most well-known works, it is a stand-alone novel rather than part of a series, and at least ostensibly takes place in a realistic, present-day world instead of a fantastic setting.
As in many of Wolfe's novels, much of the novel is taken up with stories within stories—particularly stories told to Weer as a child. Many of the key events of the novel are not explicitly narrated, but can be inferred or guessed at based on information in the stories.
Different critics interpret what is actually happening in the novel differently. One interpretation is that Weer is dead, and the scattered memories are those of a ghost; in 2014, Wolfe confirmed that this was his intention. Another interpretation is that the memories of his old age are the fantasies of a middle-aged Weer, who is experiencing a nervous breakdown.

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