The Pursuit Of...

por Courtney Milan


What do a Black American soldier, invalided out at Yorktown, and a white British officer who deserted his post have in common? Quite a bit, actually.

• They attempted to kill each other the first time they met.

• They're liable to try again at some point in the five-hundred mile journey that they're inexplicably sharing.

• They are not falling in love with each other.

• They are not falling in love with each other.

• They are… Oh, no.

The Pursuit Of… is a love affair between two men and the Declaration of Independence. It’s a novella of around 38,000 words.

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I read this in a day and a half, but it would have been a day if adulting hadn't been required because I literally HATED to put this down it was so good. Can I include a quote? Can I do that? Is that allowed? I really want to include just one of the quotes that had me gasping for air from the laughing. Ok, ok, imma do it: “I’m sure he said to your mother something like this: ‘Dear, our Henry likes to fuck men, so let’s surround him with men, preferably fit ones used to a march. Make sure they’re dressed in tight trousers and sharp uniforms. Let’s make him an officer. It will be his DUTY to watch them march. Let’s surround him with men ALL the time.’” Like... This isn't even close to the funniest parts of this story, and yet I DIED here. So, so, so good! The characters. Oh my gosh, the characters!!! John and Henry each had a GREAT personality, totally different and yet sympatico. Two individual souls you'd never expect to see jive and yet FIT, understood each other, and in such a brilliant way, you can't help but fall in love with them yourself on their journey. You literally have no chance against them. You're going to be absorbed and fall in love, and you're not even going to be mad that an entire piece of your heart is now reserved for these two. In addition to that, the way the story was told, the journey, the writing style, the CHEESE, omg, the cheese, was SO WELL DONE that, as a writer, I was both terribly impressed and terribly inspired to write my own quirky characters. The humor mixed in with the real and obviously well-researched and accurately depicted POC issues, taken seriously, and the growing affection between these two set for an abundantly realistic, heart-warming story of LOVE that will endure inside of me as much as it endures for my John and my Henry. I am TOTALLY won over by this masterpiece in every way. I could not recommend it more. Basically, stop what you're doing and READ. IT. NOW.

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