Buona Apocalisse a tutti!
Buona Apocalisse a tutti! è un romanzo scritto a quattro mani da Terry Pratchett e Neil Gaiman edito in Italia da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.Il libro è una commedia metafisica sull'avvento dell'Apocalisse e contiene elementi parodistici nonché innumerevoli riferimenti eruditi.
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A work of maddening brilliance!!!!! No review I could ever write could make it justice. Read it!! Just get to the nearest bookstore and grab a copy!! It's a satyr and a work of philosophy and so much more!! I've just finished it and I'm already re-reading it!!
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Intelligent and hilarious.
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This is one of my top 10 books of all time. Love both Terry & Neil
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A terrifically absurd and funny book, and as delightful to reread as it is to read for the first time.
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