Konec civilizace
Il mondo nuovo è un romanzo di fantascienza di genere distopico scritto nel 1932 da Aldous Huxley. È il suo romanzo più famoso e ne sono stati tratti alcuni adattamenti televisivi.Il libro anticipa temi quali lo sviluppo delle tecnologie della riproduzione, l'eugenetica e il controllo mentale, usati per forgiare un nuovo modello di società. Il mondo che vi è descritto potrebbe essere un'auspicabile utopia ovvero un drammatico limbo esistenziale. Nei fatti il ritratto che ne fa l'autore è distaccato, sebbene a volte traspaia velatamente una cinica esaltazione degli aspetti grotteschi delle varie vicende; più spesso il narratore appare tuttavia interiormente rattristato dalla scena da lui descritta, ed è forse proprio questo il motivo per cui a volte indugia forzatamente negli improvvisi aspetti grotteschi del dramma.
Il titolo originale si rifà alle parole pronunciate da Miranda ne La tempesta di William Shakespeare:
L'aggettivo brave andrebbe tradotto in italiano come eccellente dal momento che lo stesso autore si rifà alla tradizione letteraria di Shakespeare nella quale la parola assume questo significato.
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Just keep in mind throughout the book that it was written in 1931. You will be devastated every time you remember that.
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first of all, i am very happy that i purchased an edition with a beautiful introduction of yuval noah harari. „the climatic dialogue between mustapha mond and john the savage is among the most profound discussions of technology, happiness and the meaning of life in modern western philosophy.“ i followed his advice and as i reached this dialogue, in other words the culmination, i could clearly see how society destroyed a moral in order to reach an eternal comfort. we are striving for a society which would have no trouble in living, no choice and no problems, but if no bad side exists will we continue to stay human? because we are the creatures, for whom it’s natural to make mistakes, to fight for something. and as we see in this book, pressing a natural „bad“ side of human turns them into a vegetable (nice phrase which use to describe people during totalitarian regime in ukraine) and completely erases a personality. „you got rid of them. yes, that’s just like you. getting rid of everything unpleasant instead of learning to put up with it, whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them… but you don’t do either. neither suffer nor oppose. you just abolish the slings and arrows. it’s too easy.“ and further consequences, which we can see is a disappearance of all forms of art because what? right, because the point of art is highlighting problems in society and a person in an aesthetically pleasing way. and as an example there was a shakespeare and a bible, which was considered to be „a pornographic literature“. but of course we need no problems. but still we will continue „to advance“ to a flawless society, a brave new world. at this point, we will have to try also to save a morality, cherish culture and literature and don’t reject our natural human side.
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Hi watch this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljOSF_byl80&t=0s
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Good despite itself, as the only really sympathetic character is Lenina. The whole cast of protagonists make their case even more ridiculous than it would already be.
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Düster und in einigen Punkten erschreckend genau auf den Punkt. Leider hat es in vielen Abschnitten echte Längen. Regt aber dennoch auch zum nachdenken an.
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ótimo livro
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Misfritz.com informiert Was gefällt, ist das Kolorit, wie er Zeitgenössisches abfackelt. Dann wiederum nervt er, schreibt einfach aus der Wikipedia ab, langweilt mit pseudo-wissenschaftlicher Sprache. Problem: Er kann nicht wirklich schreiben.
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